100th Post and 1 Year Anniversary!!!

I cannot believe this is my 100th post and 1 year un-official anniversary !  While a previous version of this blog existed back in 2010 (see here and here), I only seriously started writing in March 2014 when I travelled to Asia.  At the time, I was super cyber-shy (still am) and kept my blog on private mode so that only a few family and friends could follow.  I was very concerned that after a few posts I would run out of things to say… Yet, here I am at 100 and still have lots of ideas percolating for the future.

There has been two surprising things that has come from writing on this blog.  The first is how fun and exciting it is re-live my countless trips through my old travel diaries, notes, and most importantly photographs.  With digital photography, I no longer take the time to go through all my [thousands!] of pictures, and print or identify the the best ones.  However, this blog has become a digital scrapbook and I have loved the opportunity to reminisce through my photos and showcase my favorites.

The second and perhaps most unexpected thing is that people aside from me and a few relatives are actually reading my posts.  My blog has only been ‘public’ for about two months and I am absolutely floored when I see that someone has read a post or has subscribed to receive email updates.  So if you happen to read this post and you are not related to me, THANKS so much and I hope you will be back again!!!

As I look ahead, one of the big things coming up in the near future is a blog re-design!!!  I am super excited to have a more customized page that is more reflective of my style and gives me more flexibility.  I hope you will like it!!!!



3 thoughts on “100th Post and 1 Year Anniversary!!!

  1. Christina

    Yay! I can’t believe it has been one year you have been blogging. And you thought no one read your blog:)

    1. Carla

      LOL, thanks Chris!

  2. sillycrazylove

    Congrats<3 For many more posts to come 🙂


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