It’s that time of year when I break out the gingerbread cookies, royal icing and candies (lots of candies). Yup, it’s time to decorate a gingerbread house. This year I couldn’t wait until Christmas, and decorated a Halloween gingerbread house (check it out here!).
Purchasing a gingerbread house kit
I was debating buying a Wilton prepared set again, but found myself at Bulk Barn instead. They sell two different options. A pre-cut kit and a pre-assembled kit. In the past I would assemble the house myself and it would always be such a nightmare. The roof would collapse or the back wall would tip over. Now I prefer the pre-assembled kits as it makes life that much easier. At Bulk Barn the pre-assembled kits sell for 8.50$. The hardest step after selecting the house is which decorations to get. My usual theme is pretty classic with green, red and white. I got green gum drops, colorful mini trees, candy Legos, some pretzels for woods, and gummy sharks because I knew my nephew would love them. I also bought a mix of royal icing where it just needs some water.

Decorating the gingerbread house
Just like Halloween, I put out all the decorations and let my nephew do his decorating thing. As suspected, he immediately went for the sharks. It turns out our gingerbread house was going to be on an island surrounded by shark infested water lol. He then moved on to decorating the house itself. He really liked the candy Legos and built small walls with them. The finishing touch as always is the snow aka powdered sugar that is sprinkled over the house. I think that’s his favorite step! It adds a magical feel to the whole house.

I have to admit I was tempted to add my own decorating, but was told I couldn’t by my little boss baby lol. I am feeling a little deprived! I was at my local Metro recently and saw they had a mini gingerbread town with several different house styles. At 12$ I was really tempted to get it. But they weren’t pre-assembled… we know how that would have turned out. So I passed. Maybe next year?!!…
What do you do to celebrate the holidays? Are you also a big fan of decorating gingerbread houses?