If you want to escape to Europe without ever leaving Canada, or the United States for that matter, than look...
When only the best (cannoli) will do….
With two sets of Italian grandparents I’ve been spoiled rotten with authentic Italian food. So when I heard that Alati...
Diner en Blanc 2014
On August 14 the annual Diner en Blanc took place in Montreal. In it’s sixth year, this event brought together...
Penny Pincher Tip #3 Sleep in a University Residence
If you are looking to save a few dimes on accommodations, many people turn to hostels for their inexpensive, laid-back,...
Birthday Brunch
It’s my party and I can cry if I want to…. Ok, so there was no crying (except for the...
Festin Culturel
Community is important in creating a positive and safe city. Living in one of the most ethnically diverse city in...
My 5 Favorite Beaches
I LOVE spending time at the beach, but I can be quite the snob when it comes to the quality...
Happy National Cheesecake Day!
Yup, there is a such a thing as a dedicated day to all things cheesecake. Taking place each year on...
Penny Pincher Tip #2 Check the Classifieds
When I am thinking about taking a trip the first place I check is the classifieds, like Kijiji. Not the...
The death of travel guide books?
As a blogger it may seem counter-intuitive what I am about to write, but bear with me… I still use...